Diet 6 Petals - menu and reviews

Vegetable basket for diet 6 petals

6 Petal Slimming Diet was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. Most likely, this option to get rid of extra pounds will appeal to all those who do not like to limit themselves in the amount of food, and those whoWant to get the desired result quickly.

At first glance, Anna Johansson's 6-petal diet may seem very simple. After all, it is based on the principle of eating products from one group on each of the six days. For example, one day you can eat only vegetables, on the second day only meat etc. However, the sequence of use of certain products plays a major role in the process of destruction of adipose tissue, stimulation of metabolism and removal of decay products from the body. Thus, the maximum effect on reducing fat reservesDepends on compliance with the rules of the system.

Girl who lost weight on 6-petals diet measures weight loss results

Diet Principle 6 Petals

The diet with 6 petals has the simplest menu: you need to eat only six food groups. These are vegetables, cottage cheese, cereals, fish, chicken meat, fruits. You can add salt, herbs, spices to the food (butonly natural ones)! Along with protein, fats are rapidly broken down, so weight loss occurs as quickly as possible. In its pure form, without gravy.

You can also eat chicken in your day without any restrictions, so hunger is excluded from such a diet. On the day of yogurt, it is allowed to include a small amount of low-fat milk in the menu. As for water, it should be consumed without restrictions - the more, the better. On the sixth day, you can drink freshly squeezed juice, but not from high-calorie fruits (these include grapes, bananas, melons).

It is allowed to drink herbal teas without sugar, almost without restrictions, on all days. You can pre-order several individual or a set of herbal teas. You can choose one cleansing tea or one such teaThe one that tastes better. The main thing is to ensure that it does not contain any artificial flavour.

On the third day of the 6-petal diet, you can eat an unlimited amount of chicken.

psychological basis of diet

Among many nutritionists and general users, Johansson's diet is referred to as "6 petals". She attributes this to its psychological component, which is formed as a result of the visual perception of an image of a flower with six petals, each of whichThe daily menu is signed onThere is, as well as the desire to achieve the goal, which increases as the course ends. At the same time, self-discipline also increases, and the possibility of breakdowns is practically eliminated.

six petal diet

Regarding the six-petal diet, the reviews will undoubtedly be positive if all the requirements established by nutritionists are followed. First of all, the diet includes pastries (except buckwheat bread), sugar, chocolate, cocoa, butter, sausage, smokedIt is necessary to exclude from meats, canned food. All products must be fresh, without preservatives.

Water, tea, juice can be consumed between meals, and it is not recommended to "wash down" food during meals - this slows down digestion. Portions should be small, but you can eat often- Up to six times a day.

Of course, each reader may have a question - will there be any discomfort with the fact that you can eat only one type of product during the day? Perhaps, and most likely, you will want to eat something tasty, as is usually the case. But then you will not experience hunger, as in other diets. And, as the lucky ones say, specially createdThe effectiveness of the technique is felt very quickly!

Diet Six Petals: a sequence of mono-diet

  • Day 1 - Fish dishes, On this day it is recommended to eat any kind of fish boiled, cooked or steamed. You can not fry it. It is permissible to add spices, a little salt and herbs to dishes. The use of fish soup alsowill be useful.
  • Day 2 - Vegetables, The diet of this day should be only vegetables. They can be eaten raw, cooked salad, stewed. It is allowed to add mild spices to the prepared food. Natural vegetable juices can also be prepared and consumed. However, Canned and spicy foods should be excluded.
  • Day 3 - Poultry meat, On the third day, you should eat exclusively poultry, preferably chicken. To do this, the fillet is separated and boiled, steamed or baked. You still need to avoid fried foods. You can add a small amount of spices, herbs and salt to the meat. It is also good to have a portion of chicken broth.
  • Day 4 - Cereals, For this day, dishes based on a variety of cereals are recommended. It can be all kinds of cereals, bran bread, bread.
  • Day 5 - Paneer menu, On the fifth day, all dairy and sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat are allowed. This can be milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cottage cheese. At the end of the diet, such a diet will contain the content of substances necessary for the body. And due to its balanced composition, it is very useful in terms of maintaining normal mood.
  • Day 6 - Fruits, It is the last day and its menu should be made up of unsweetened fruits. These can be prepared in the form of salads, purees and juices.

detailed diet menu

Our women, when compiling menu recipes for weight loss, are very inventive, and often do not follow the restrictions very clearly, which, by the way, is a prerequisite for the diet. Hence the detailed diet for the day. It is better to give an example, so that everyone can know how to eat.

first day:

  • 8: 00 - boiled sea bass fillet (you can use cod, hake, pike perch);
  • 11: 00 - low-fat fish, baked in the oven with dill and parsley;
  • 14: 00 - fish soup without vegetables (you can add shrimp and rapana meat to the fish);
  • 17: 00 - fish cooked in a double boiler;
  • 20: 00 - Boiled pike perch with spices.

Between meals - green, black, herbal teas without sugar.

Fish for the first day of the six-petal diet

second day:

  • 8: 00 - Jerusalem artichoke, turnip or carrot, grated;
  • 11: 00 - vegetable stew or puree (in its own juice) without oil;
  • 14: 00 - stewed cabbage with boiled potatoes;
  • 17: 00 - beets, carrots are cooked in a double boiler;
  • 20: 00 - Raw vegetables.

Between meals: vegetable juice, green and black tea.

Mixed Vegetables - Diet for the second day of the diet 6 petals

day 3:

  • 8: 00 - boiled chicken fillet;
  • 11: 00 - Chicken breast baked in foil with spices;
  • 14: 00 - white meat soup with roots and herbs;
  • 17: 00 - chicken cooked on the grill (or grill);
  • 20: 00 - boiled chicken fillet.

Between meals: chicken broth, tea.

Chicken broth is included in the diet of 6 petals on the third day of the diet

Day Four:

  • 8: 00 - oatmeal boiled in water from cereals;
  • 11: 00 - buckwheat porridge boiled in water (with spices);
  • 14: 00 - rice porridge or rice (on water);
  • 17: 00 - oatmeal on the water with seeds (no more than 50 g);
  • 20: 00 - Buckwheat porridge with herbs.

Between meals: herbal tea.

Water-boiled oatmeal for Cereal Day of the Six Petal Diet

Fifth Day:

  • 8: 00 - low-fat cottage cheese + yogurt (natural);
  • 11: 00 - cottage cheese with the addition of milk (1% fat);
  • 14: 00 - cottage cheese without additives (5% fat);
  • 17: 00 - cottage cheese with kefir;
  • 20: 00 - low-fat cottage cheese without additives.

Between meals: you can drink 1 glass of milk, tea without any restrictions.

The fifth day of the 6 Petals Diet is devoted to the use of cheese, curd and milk.

Day Six:

  • 8: 00 - two red apples, a cup of black coffee;
  • 11: 00 - a banana;
  • 14: 00 - a small bunch of grapes and an orange;
  • 17: 00 - three kiwis;
  • 20: 00 - Two green apples.

Between meals, fresh fruit juices, herbal decoctions, tea.

If desired, you can supplement the fruit day with juices from superfruits - for example, mangosteen, acai, goji, noni. This will give you energy and vitamins. The concentration should be diluted with water.

The 6-petal diet can be repeated after 2 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages of 6 petal diet

Despite a monotonous diet, a petal diet does not cause fatigue. , contains microelements and amino acids. In a week you can get rid of 6 extra pounds.

Diet with 6 petals is not suitable for those who work. Frequent fractional feeding with special foods takes a lot of time, so it is better to apply the technique at the time of vacation. Nursing mothers, pregnant women, liver diseaseNutrition according to this system is not recommended for people with:

the way out of the six petal diet

During the six-petal diet, people do not experience hunger, so special preparation is not required to leave the diet. In the early days fried, smoked and fatty foods (or it is better to abandon it altogetherIt is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks, alcohol.

If you're concerned about whether your body is getting all the nutrients it needs, you can supplement your diet with a good multivitamin.

Diet 6 Petals: Results

The 6 Petal Diet Has Amazing Results! The Association of Dietitians, overseeing voluntary trials of fifteen participants, unanimously decided on official recognition of this technique. It was also found that volunteers who followed Johansson's 6-petal diet had significantly improved health indicatorsThe women, who made up the majority of the group, lost up to 800 grams of weight per day, and felt much better at the same time.

The menu of 6 petals of the diet can be seen in the photo, and it is also recommended to study the video material with detailed recommendations of dieticians.